Sports event of Trade Union of Dak Lak Museum
On May 18th, 2018, on the 128th anniversary of President Ho Chi Minh’s birthday (May 19th 1890 - May 19th 2018), the 72th year of Foundation of the International Museum Council (1946 - 2018) and the 41st year of International Museum Day (May 18th 1977 - May 18th 2018), Trade Union of Dak Lak Museum cooperated with Trade Union of Provincial Management Center of Relics to organize a sports event of Trade Union in 2018.
Attending the Sports Event were Mr. Dinh Mot - Member of Standing Board of Party Committee, Deputy Chairman of Trade Union of Dak Lak Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism; Directorate of Dak Lak Museum, Directorate of Management Center of Relics and all members of the two Trade Unions of Dak Lak Museum and Dak Lak Management Center of Relics. The Sports event was organized with the competitions such as Men’s and Women’s Tug of War Men's and Women’s Volleyball, Guessing Teammate’s Thinking, and "Two People Three Feet" Game. It aimed to create a healthy and useful playground and it gave opportunities for the staff of the two Trade Unions to tighten mutual solidarity and show the spirit of "Good working and healthy playing". It also promoted the movement of physical training and sports of officials and employees. Images of the Sports event of Trade Union, 2018